Making sure you’re not a victim of a hijacking

BRIXTON – Police share tips to help you avoid getting your car stolen.

Brixton Police Station has warned motorist to be vigilant and careful at all times after an increase in hijackings in the area.

According to the station’s spokesperson Jeanette Backhoff, the areas of Brixton, Langlaagte North and Vrededorp are where most of these incidents are taking place. Most of the hijackings occurred from 9am to 3pm and from 3pm to midnight. She added, “The public is requested to be vigilant at all times when leaving their houses especially at night. Most of these incidents happen when the owner of the vehicle drives out of their driveway. If you see anyone or anything suspicious please contact your nearest police station.”

Brixton Police Station offered the following safety tips to motorists following the rise in reported cases:n Avoid being alone in a vehicle when travelling at night

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