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Cable theft cases on the rise

SOPHIATOWN – City Power have in the past stated that the fight against cable theft is one that needs public, neighbourhood watches and CPF members to take on together.

Sophiatown Police Station has confirmed that there has been a rise in the number of cable theft-related incidents in their precinct.

The spokesperson for the station Captain TJ De Bruyn has pleaded with the public to report any cable theft and suspicious activity as this crime has a huge impact on service delivery. Additionally, cable theft in the area is directly linked to power outages that have been experienced in the area.

One such incident resulted in the apprehension of a cable theft suspect by Beagle Watch Response Officers in Montgomery Park. On June 24, the response officers tracked down and apprehended the suspect after being given a description of the suspect who had allegedly attempted to steal electric cables at the Auckland Park Bowling Club. The suspect fled the bowling club after being detected by the bowling club staff and was shortly afterwards found and apprehended. The suspect was handed over to the police for questioning and investigation.

In another incident, Beagle Watch shared that they received a call from a client in Northcliff stating that he had seen a man entering a substation. Two Beagle Watch vehicles were immediately dispatched and, upon arrival, found the suspect at the substation, where he was allegedly in the process of cutting cables. The suspect was apprehended and handed over to the police.

City Power has in the past stated that the fight against cable theft is one that needs public, neighbourhood watches and CPF members to take on together. The public has been reminded that all City Power employees and contractors can be identified by the logos on the vehicles and uniforms. City Power employees are not allowed to dig holes next to the road alone or participate in trenching in the middle of the night unless it is an emergency situation. Furthermore, no employee or contractor of City Power will work on the overhead lines without a truck being present and all contractors and staff will have City Power ID cards in their possession and they must be produced on request.

City Power and local securities companies have urged residents to report cable theft or any suspicious activity to the City Power, the police, security companies or the City of Johannesburg’s GFIS hotline.

Details: Police 10111; City Power Security Risk Management 011 490 7900/7911/7553; GFIS Hotline 0800 002 587 or whistle@joburg.org.za

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