Supporting cancer fighters, one spray paint can at a time

FAIRLAND – The public is urged to continue raising awareness around cancer and standing in support of cancer fighters and survivors.

A local primary school and Voortrekkers partnered to raise over R20 000 for cancer fighters and survivors.

The learners of Laerskool Fairland returned home with splashes of colour in their hair as they participated in the Spray-A-Thon hosted by the school and the Weltevrede Voortrekkers. On the day the ecstatic and fun-loving members of the Weltevrede Voortrekkers attended to the children’s hairdo touch-ups in all the colours you could possibly think of.

The organiser of the Spray-A-Thon and Weltevrede Voortrekkers member Hein Coetzee explained, “We usually host these once a year and it’s been awesome enjoying the fourth one we have hosted at this school. With all the people involved at Laerskool Fairland, we were able to raise R20 000 for those fighting cancer.”

A splash of colour for these Laerskool Fairland learners participate in the Spray-A-Thon fundraiser for cancer fighters and survivors. Photo: Andile Dlodlo

The Spray-A-Thon was hosted as an initiative under the Cancer Association of South Africa (Cansa) who have encouraged men and women to have regular health check-ups, as well as cancer screenings. Both the Weltevrede Voortrekkers and Cansa state that early detection is key to enabling effective treatment and therefore a better chance of recovering from cancer.

Raising awareness around cancer is crucial so that as many people as possible know what to do if they suspect they could have cancer and how to best deal with it and survive it.

Silver, pink, green, and orange are just some of the colours that fill the hairs of Laerskool Fairland learners during their cancer fundraiser with the Weltevrede Voortrekkers. Photo: Andile Dlodlo

Coetzee thanked the learners, parents, teachers and management of Laerskool Fairland for working together to reach R20 000. He said, “The response we got from the Laerskool Fairland family was great and considering the times we faced due to Covid-19, it was good to see people in good spirits trying to help others.”

Coetzee urged the public to continue standing in support of those taking on cancer.

Members of the Weltevrede Voortrekkers thank the Laerskool Fairland family for their involvement in their Spray-A-Thon fundraising event for cancer. Photo: Andile Dlodlo

For more information on cancer, please contact Cansa: Email; help desk 0800 22 66 22 (toll-free); WhatsApp (English and Afrikaans) 072 197 9305; WhatsApp (isiXhosa, isiZulu, siSwati, Sesotho and Setswana) 071 867 3530.

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