Reddford House Northcliff’s first Career Day

NORTHCLIFF – Reddford House brings the careers to the learners.

Learners dive into the potential careers that await them at their inaugural career day. Reddford House Northcliff recently hosted their first Career’s Day where the schools learners would be given all the details, tips and tricks they would need to follow a plethora of careers. Grade 11 leader and organiser of the event Desiree Mlahleki had her sights set on exposing the school learners to a variety of careers available to them.

FBI Chef School and Patisserie Academy founder Nicholas van der Walt shares the delectable and heavenly desserts chefs like him make. Photo: Andile Dlodlo

With therapists, attorneys, polygraph examiners, forensic accountants and many others present to share how and why they got into their careers, the learners had access to tips and tricks that would make their career selection a little easier. She shared, “We wanted all these people with these exciting careers to share what their careers entail, what subjects you need to study at school and university, what extra work must be done to help get into that field, how exciting the careers are and more.”

Northcliff Melville Times journalist Andile Dlodlo was among those invited to share the secrets of his career. A first timer doing such Dlodlo said, “I do hope they consider journalism as it is one of the only careers where you get to witness, partake and share history in the making whether it’s in politics, sports entertainment, technology and science, we are everywhere telling the stories of the day.”

Lischen Mashishi of biopharmaceutical company MSD shares all the industries that are involved in the pharmaceutical world that learners could find interesting careers in. Photo: Andile Dlodlo

Like many other speakers on the day, Dlodlo shared what subjects one should study, which undergraduate qualification to go for and more but also shared his perspective on being successful. “I just wanted to make sure that the learners know that there is room for each and everyone of us at the top, regardless of the career you follow. But for them to secure their space they have to be among the best at what they do, writing, photographer, science, be the best and you’ll be taken care off.”

Reddford House Northcliff’s learners, staff and parents thanked all those that shared their careers with the school. Mlahleki concluded, “We would like to send our greatest appreciation to all of you for your invaluable input on the day. Without your time and assistance this day would not have been a successful one.

Reddford House Northcliff thanks and commends you for your interest in helping our students choose their careers.”

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