House robber gets 10 years behind bars

BRIXTON – The accused had a theft case from 2018 and housebreaking in 2017 before he was arrested.

Brixton Regional Court sentenced a 27-year-old man on 12 March to 10 years’ imprisonment for house robbery.

According to a statement released by the police, the accused was apprehended with his accomplice on 2 August 2019 in the Fairlands area. Security guards responded to a complaint of house robbery and found the accused loading house appliances into a maroon Mercedes-Benz of the victim while wielding a toy gun.

Along with the 10-year conviction, he was also declared unfit to possess a firearm. The accused had been denied bail until he was sentenced because he had two pending cases of theft in Norwood in 2018 and housebreaking in Sandton in 2017. Johannesburg District Commander Major General Max Masha was pleased with the effort of those involved in securing the conviction.

He said, “The conviction is a result of diligent work done by the investigating officer Sergeant Herbert Seroka of Johannesburg Central Trio Detectives. We hope this sentence will scare away would-be offenders from committing the same crime.”

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