
Women’s Network shares life-saving advice

MELVILLE – Police share advice on who to call and what to in case of need.

Brixton Police Station‘s Women’s Network shared safety and security information and tips with women.

Statistics SA stated that femicide, the murder of women on the basis of their gender, is five times higher than the global average in their Crime Against Women in South Africa Report. This means that in South Africa, women are five times more likely to be killed due to gender-based violence committed by men. Due to such heart-breaking facts, Brixton Police Station organised their Women’s Network to directly assist with the issue. On 7 February, as part of their series of projects that they will host throughout the year, they distributed pamphlets at Campus Square, Melville’s 7th Street and the corner of Kingsway and University roads.

Brixton Police Stations Women’s Network member shares a word with these Campus Square shoppers on how to stay safe as part of their first project for 2020. Photo: Andile Dlodlo

Jeanette Backhoff, spokesperson of the station, shared, “Today (7 February) we will be handing out pamphlets and sharing information with the women around Melville and Auckland Park on crimes that have affect them.”

With gender-based violence and femicide in South Africa at internationally alarming rates, it’s good to see the police taking initiative to address the issue. It was also important that the same information was passed on to men as well during the walkabouts.

Some were lucky to return to their cars with vital information on their safety and security as part of Brixton Police Station’s Women’s Network pamphlet distribution on 7 February. Photo: Andile Dlodlo

The Women’s Network also shared information on how to avoid crimes such as robberies, theft of and out of motor vehicles and substance abuse. They also shared details on how and who to contact if they were to ever find themselves in such unfortunate situations. Contact numbers of the relevant departments of the police station were also distributed as part of the project. Below are the contacts the Brixton Police Station’s Women’s Network shared on the day:

Information on how to keep women safe and respected was also shared with men during Brixton Police Station’s Women’s Network project where they distributed pamphlets on gender-based violence, robberies, theft of and out of motor vehicles and substance abuse. Photo: Andile Dlodlo

Important contacts

  •  Crime stop: 08600 10111
  •  SAPS Flying Squad: 10111
  •  Emergency (mobile phone): 112
  •  Victim Support, Brixton SAPS: 011 248 5520/21

Brixton Police Station direct lines:

  •  Station Commander: 011 248 5513
  •  Head Detectives Services: 011 248 5512/14
  •  Head Crime Prevention: 011 248 5658/5577
  •  Crime Intelligence: 011 248 5523/5566
  • Communication Services: 011 248 5513

ALSO READ: Brixton police call on the public to be aware of the increasing theft of and from motor vehicles cases

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