16 new constables for Brixton Police Station

BRIXTON – The time to put all they have learnt into action has arrived.

Brixton police station has welcomed 16 new constables to its precinct.

All police officers remember the first police station they were designated to after completing their training. For most, it lays the foundation of a career to protect and serve. Brixton police station is looking to assist this group of 16 police officers after they were selected to further their skills at the station.

Jeanette Backhoff, spokesperson for the station, said, “Brixton Police Station is very proud to announce that we have received 16 new constables out of 4971 who passed in various provinces in December 2019.”

According to Backhoff, now that the constables have completed their Basic Police Development Training Programme the time has come for them to get some experience. She stated, “The group of constables that passed their training have been deployed in the Johannesburg District. The members that were placed at Brixton Police Station were placed in different departments to gain exposure.”

Backhoff stated that they are very excited to welcome the constables to the station and their precinct. She added, “They are young, energetic, positive and eager to learn. These are all qualities that are needed to lay a proper foundation for members to serve and protect the Brixton community to the best of their ability.”

The station is looking forward to building solid working relationships with the new constables and hopes they can make an impact in their crime-fighting activities.

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