
Abbotts 2019 matrics leap into their futures

NORTHCLIFF – Abbotts College Northcliff celebrates the success of their Class of 2019 matriculants.

Abbotts College Northcliff is ecstatic over the achievements of the matric Class of 2019.

The campus was buzzing with excitement as, one by one, former learners came in to collect their results to see what their last year of hard work at the school had given them. Deputy principal, Izak Stander said the school’s main aim for every matric year is academic improvement.

William Obi says goodbye to Abbotts College Northcliff while looking forward to his bright future. Photo: Neo Phashe

One of the school’s matriculants, Catherine Hampshire, who obtained three distinctions, said although the year was a tough one, for her it was easier than her Grade 11 year. “It was hectic because you had to do things fairly quickly but you also go through the year just as quick.”

Jenna De Achadinha holds onto her results with pride. Photo: Neo Phashe

She added that one of her challenges was learning how to balance everything at first but as the year progressed, she adopted a schedule which made things better. Catherine looks to become an architect and hopes to be accepted in 2021 at either Wits University or the University of Cape Town. For now, she will take a gap year that will consist of her working, travelling and taking a few short courses. She encouraged the matric Class of 2020 to find a balance, “Do things you love because there is going to be a lot of time you will spend working.”

Kevin Muthombo feels a sense of pride for all he has achieved while at Abbotts College Northcliff. Photo: Neo Phashe

For the Class of 2019, Stander hopes they will leave the school to become great citizens of the world. “We wish them all the best and believe that we have equipped them with what we call global competencies and skills that will help them with their lives going forward.”

Catherine Hampshire, who achieved three distinctions, said it took a balanced approach to life to have attained the marks she received. Photo: Neo Phashe

Marketing and sales manager, Germari Eksteen shared they are a non-traditional school and do things differently from other schools. “It’s good to know that people still have trust in the brand. The school will be 50 years old next year which means we are not a ‘fly by night’, we have been doing what we’re doing with great focus on our matrics and their academic improvement and now we have grades 8 to 12 with a strong focus on their academic development too.”

Nashik Sivparsad cannot wait to see what the future holds for him. Photo: Neo Phashe

Eksteen said the teachers are the learners’ biggest fans and root for their continued success. She wished them luck on their next big adventure and stressed that with hard work put in they will always get what they want. For Abbotts, this day is seen as a celebration, as it marks the day the matriculants can confidently step into their futures.

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