Holocaust memorial to be built by King David Victory Park

VICTORY PARK – 150 000 tabs needed to complete Holocaust memorial.

High School calls on the community to help them collect thousands of aluminium can tops for memorial.

The learners of King David Victory Park High School have called on the community to help support them with their latest project. The school is currently collecting can tabs in order to build a monument in respect of those that experienced the Holocaust between 1941 and 1945.

The idea was inspired by the movie, Paperclip, said Nirvana Rogers. “The monument has been designed by a past student Amir Livne, who qualified as an architect. The collection started with Morah Hannah Ben-Moshe (head of the Hebrew department at King David) working diligently to meet this target.”

Rogers shared more details on the formation of this project. “Back in 2007, the Judaica Committee headed by Elinor Shklaz and Joshua Benjamin initiated a project to collect six million can tabs to build a monument in memory of the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust.”

In addition to this, another monument was agreed to be built in recognition and memory of the millions of Jewish children murdered and affected by the Holocaust.

According to Rogers, the school is approaching their target but they need the community’s help. “The school is really close to their target and needs an additional 150 000 tabs. The school appeals to the community to support this phenomenal initiative by collecting tabs.

“We would like to thank the current and past students, parents and teachers who have been committed to this project all these years. Special thanks to Miriam Fluxman, Eida Schneiderman, Ronnie Levy, David Benjamin, Margot Levy, the Dermiek, Kobrin, Strimling, Palkovich and Norvick families.”

For more information on the project, please contact the following, benmosheh@sabje.co.za .

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