Happy 100th says APPS

AUCKLAND PARK – Hope Fountain gifted to The Ridge for their centenary celebrations.

The learners and staff of Auckland Park Preparatory School (APPS) joined the 100th-birthday celebration of The Ridge School’s in Westcliff recently. Headmistress of Auckland Park Prep Brenda Howden spoke about the relationship between the two schools at the event. “We have shared so much from an academic, sporting, cultural and spiritual front, and we look forward to ongoing relations.”

Auckland Park Preparatory School Grade 7 girls Cecilia Petersen, Madhuri Padayatchi, Ratidzo Furamera with headmistress Brenda Howden and headmaster of The Ridge School Richard Stanley during the Ridge’s centenary celebrations. Photo: Supplied

And what is a celebration without gifts? That is why Auckland Park Prep handed over a ‘Hope Fountain’ to the school as their gift to them. Howden shared the symbolism behind the gift, “The Hope Fountain will continue to engender positive relationships and hope for the future.”

Grade 6 and 7 girls from Auckland Park Preparatory School at the centenary gift handover ceremony at The Ridge School in Westcliff. Photo: Supplied

The headmaster of The Ridge School was pleased with the support from Auckland Park Prep and the gift. He said they were all touched by Auckland Park Prep’s participation in their celebrations.

The commemorative plaque on the Hope Fountain at The Ridge School in Westcliff which was a gift from Auckland Park Preparatory School in celebration of their centenary this year. Photo: Supplied

Head girl of Auckland Park Prep Madhuri Padayatchi was also given the chance to address the schools and guests. She stressed the importance of working together to achieve great results. Madhuri also thanked The Ridge for the strong bonds they have had over the years and said they hope they will continue to be united for years to come.

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