History comes to life at Orban School

WESTDENE – Orban School brought history to life as they hosted their second Night at the Orban Wax Museum.

Do you remember when you watched the movie Night at the Museum and it made you wonder how awesome it would really be if some of history’s greats really did come to life?

Principal of the Orban School, Liz van Tonder with ‘Kylie Jenner’ and history teacher, Lindy Phaal. Photo: Neo Phashe

Well for one night Orban School made children, parents and visitors to the school wonder no more. Their Grade 7 learners made history come to life as they hosted a Night at the Orban Wax Museum. People walked through the hall and were welcomed by Marilyn Monroe, William Shakespeare, Freddie Mercury, Princess Diana and more.

‘Dame Anna Wintour’ takes time from being the editor-in-chief of Vogue to spend time at Orban School. Photo: Neo Phashe
Cleopatra, the Queen of Egypt takes her stand. Photo:Neo Phashe

Lindy Phaal, the school’s Grade 7 history teacher and self-proclaimed history geek, shared that many think the subject is boring when it actually is not. “Through this evening I tried to make history come to life, taking historical figures and present them like figures found at the Madame Tussauds Museum, but actually coming alive.”

Marilyn Monroe takes her rightful space on stage. Photo: Neo Phashe
Walt Disney creates his most famous characters. Photo: Neo Phashe

This showed children that history is not only important but it is also fun. This was the second event of its kind at the school.

Steve Irwin ‘The crocodile hunter’ looks over his crocodile. Photo: Neo Phashe

To prepare for the evening, the Grade 7s had a list of historical figures to choose from and each one chose someone from the list. With their figure chosen and research on them done, the learners then had to do an Instagram post as that figure, design a poster and come up with something interactive that the figure could do either through song, or action. The night was not only about celebrating those who have gone but also those alive. Dame Anna Wintour, Trevor Noah, Lewis Hamilton, Barack Obama and Kylie Jenner made their mark too.

Mexican painter, Frida Kahlo shares her art with visitors. Photo: Neo Phashe
The ever so regal, Princess Diana captures our hearts again Photo: Neo Phashe

Phaal commended the ingenuity of all learners as each stuck to their characters so well. She found it fantastic that one learner chose Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, the first female judge of the US Supreme Court and praised Marilyn Monroe who really worked the crowd.

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