Local police stations crime stats

JOBURG – How did your police station rank over the last year?

With the release of the recent statistics also came the individual police station crime stats. Of the five police stations that protect and serve the distribution areas of Northcliff Melville Times, only one, Brixton Police Station, experienced a decrease in the total number of contact crimes.

This station had 7.3 per cent fewer contact crimes reported between April last year and March this year. These crimes include murder, attempted murder, sexual offences, common robbery, common assault and a few other crimes.

Fairland Police Station had 8.6 per cent more cases opened while Linden Police station had 8.3 per cent more crimes reported than the previous year. The biggest increase in reported crimes was at Sophiatown Police Station with a 13 per cent increase while Parkview came in at second with an 11.1 per cent increase. In total, 4 512 total contact crimes were reported over the last year and Sophiatown Police Station contributed the most to this with a total of 1 845 crimes reported. Fairland Police Station contributed the least with 202 crimes during the same time frame.

Sexual offences have been in the spotlight in South Africa over recent weeks and the stations’ crimes stats on these were also released. Three out of the five stations recorded fewer rapes in the previous year. Brixton Police Station saw the biggest decrease with six fewer rape cases, 21 cases were reported in total while Sophiatown Police Station recording the highest number of rape cases with 33. They did record two fewer cases, as did Fairland Police Station with a total of two cases. Linden Police Station recorded 23 rapes, two more than last year, and Parkview Police Station recorded seven.

When it comes to robberies at residential and non-residential premises, the numbers tell a good story for Brixton Police Station. They recorded fewer crimes in both categories, 20 fewer cases in residential robberies and two fewer in non-residential robberies. Sophiatown Police Station had the biggest increase with 33 more non-residential robberies but also managed to decrease their residential robberies by 18 cases.

Here are more stats showing the reality of crime in the Northcliff Melville Times distribution area:

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The City of Joburg announces May crime stats

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