
The Hazards of Doing Your Makeup While Driving

Applying makeup while driving is a major contributor to road accidents caused by distracted driving.

Distracted driving is a major contributing factor to accidents. Arrive Alive defines distracted driving as engaging in any activity— such as texting, fiddling with a car’s radio or applying makeup — which takes your eyes off the road.

Ladies let’s be honest, we’re either guilty of applying makeup while we’re driving or know someone who is. We know it’s wrong, yet it still happens.

Here are some thoughts to reflect on if you’re ever thinking of doing the same.

  • Oops, missed a spot! Whether you use your rear-view mirror or the sun visor’s mirror, there’s a possibility that you’ll miss a key area that needs blending. Also, if you’re distracted, you may even forget to apply mascara to the other eye, leaving you looking a little… one-sided.
  • How embarrassing! Do you really want to be that person that holds everybody up when the light has been green for a while? Yup, just another side-effect of being distracted. Or worse, imagine being the only person not to have made way for an emergency vehicle – now you’re putting other’s lives at risk.
  • The collision factor. While we’re talking about putting lives at risk, don’t ever forget to factor in the possibility that you may need to brake or swerve in order to avoid a collision. Besides the obvious damage to your vehicle, you’re more than likely going to ruin your makeup. Or worse: you could pierce yourself in the eye with your mascara wand, causing serious injury. It’s also possible that your car insurance may not cover you if it’s found that you were driving recklessly.
  • You could become a victim. The obvious danger of not noticing what’s happening around you is that you become an easy target for opportunistic criminals who will think nothing of reaching into your car to grab your handbag while you’re busy with your face.

We want you to live your way – safely. Our advice to you is to take a few extra minutes to do your makeup at home. You’ll arrive at your destination safely – and looking fabulous!

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