Linden Police Station gives women the power

LINDEN – Female officers at Linden Police Station gathered to celebrate the end of Women's Month and celebrate each other's strengths.

On 30 August, Linden Police Station officers closed off Women’s Month by having a get together with female officers at the station, celebrating women, their achievements, womanhood and their feminine qualities they bring to the world.

Station Commander Colonel Zaieed Musthan welcomed the women and thanked them for their service at the police station and all they do in the community. The women wore black to the event to display the power, authority, elegance and sophistication of a woman.

Captain Tsakani Muhlare spoke about some of the issues women are facing today in the workplace, their social and personal lives. “Sexual harassment is a big issue woman are faced with and this can be defined as any unwanted conduct in a sexual manner that takes place in the workplace making one feel uncomfortable. These can include actual or attempt rape, sexual assault, touching and even unwanted questions about your sex life. Ladies, we have a policy here at our workplace against sexual harassment, it is here to protect us. We have rights, speak up and do not suffer in silence,” she said.

Captain Tsakani Muhlare speaks at the Women’s Network event hosted and held at Linden Police Station on 30 August. Photo: Bonakele Sithole

Muhlare also mentioned big issues women face such as domestic violence. “Three women will die each day at the hands of their intimate partner. The HIV/Aids epidemic in our country remains one of the highest in the world because of the rape and abuse culture we are, unfortunately, faced with. Lastly, I will mention stress although men are not exempt to this but women face much more pressure from society as a whole that can leave one feeling defeated at the best of times.”

The women prayed for the nation and sang female struggle songs that are important to them and their struggle daily as women. The officers felt it was important to celebrate and come together to unify themselves, their strengths and power.

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