WATCH – Baboon on the loose in Northcliff spotted

NORTHCLIFF – The baboon has just been spotted at Northcliff Corner.

Reports of a male baboon on the loose in the Northcliff area for two weeks as it looks like his adventure might come to an end, as Community Led Animal Welfare (Claw) with the SCP Security working together to locate the animal. The baboon has been spotted at Northcliff Corner on the corner of Beyers Naudé Drive and Milner Avenue.  

Clive Maher from SCP security said, “This morning we got a call at about 9am from a client that the baboon had been spotted at Milner Avenue in Northcliff.  I immediately contacted Claw to capture the animal for his safety.”

Urban areas are not the ideal location for wild animals. This baboon will not be harmed and will be relocated, once captured, to a more suitable location outside of the city.

Hassan Kassim from Claw discussed the process involved in capturing a baboon, watch:

This publication’s journalist Andile Dlodlo is on the scene, tracking the baboon with the teams from SCP and Claw – Do you have questions you would like us to ask teams on your behalf? Comment below!


Watch drone footage by SCP security tracking the baboon:


Hassan Kassim from Claw shows the cage in which the baboon will be placed. Photo: Andile Dlodlo
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