Northcliff Union Church thrilled at blanket drive turnout

NORTHCLIFF – Heathway Centre, Pick n Pay Heathway, Northcliff Melville Times, under the Caxton Cares banner, and Northcliff Union Church have partnered for the past two months on a blanket drive, to collect and distribute blankets to the needy in the greater Northcliff area.

Heathway Centre, Pick n Pay Heathway, Northcliff Melville Times, under the Caxton Cares banner, and Northcliff Union Church have partnered for the past two months on a blanket drive, to collect and distribute blankets to the needy in the greater Northcliff area.

The Drive began in May and was extended to June as a greater need was realised for more blankets to be collected. Drop-off points were at Heathway Centre and Northcliff Union Church, and by the end of May, the church successfully distributed blankets to charities like Hotel Hope, Abraham Kriel Bambanani Homes, and Tshepo community development initiative.

This month, Northcliff Union Church is happy to announce that the blanket drive collected more blankets for those in need. Gary Taylor from Northcliff Union Church said, “The Heathway Centre dropped off the last blankets they had received, and it looks like we have a final tally on the blankets. All 204 blankets received have been handed over to a total of 6 different charities who have accounted for each gift received.”

Ladies from Hotel Hope accepting blankets they received from the Blanket Drive for the month of June. Photo: Supplied.

Senior Pastor, Gavin Wood stated, “We have been delighted to work with the Heathway Centre, Northcliff Melville Times and Pick n Pay to make an impact in our community. We have also been thrilled to see how people in the broader Northcliff area have opened their hearts by contributing over 200 blankets to those in need. It is a blessing to see people who are warm-at-heart giving to those less fortunate so that they can be warm in body.

“In working with various charities to help distribute these blankets, we have gained greater insight into the plight of some people in our community. Each blanket represents a warm night for one person, and this really is making a difference for that one person. Thank you to everyone who has made this possible.”

Related article:

Blanket Drive hand-over for the month of May

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