Brixton Police Station applauds Constable Mokgawa for his hard work

BRIXTON – Police salute to Constable Mokgawa for his never-ending hunt for justice.

Local police have applauded their constable’s hard work that leads to a 10-year jail sentence for a housebreaking thief.

Brixton Police Station is celebrating the work done by Constable Ngoako Daniel Mogawa, after his commitment to a case resulted in a 10-year jail sentence. According to Jeanette Backhoff, spokesperson for the station, the constable has been on this case since 2015. “The case was handed over to Constable Mokgawa in 2015 for further investigation. Due to the fingerprints found on the scene, the suspect was identified and Constable Mokgawa traced the suspect and he was arrested. Bail was opposed by Mokgawa and for four years he attended every court session proceedings.”

The housebreaking took place in March 2015 during the early hours of the morning. Backhoff continued, “The complainant was asleep and was woken up by a loud sound. When he went to investigate, he saw one of the main doors open and knew that someone had broken into his house.”

Ten laptops and a TV was stolen from the house. The suspect was found guilty in June this year and sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment. The suspect was also declared unfit to possess a firearm.

The station wanted to thank the officer for the hard work he put in to solve the case. Backhoff said, “Brixton management want to thank Constable Mokgawa for his good work and dedication and want to encourage him to continue his good work.”

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