
How safe is Alberts Farm?

ALBERTS FARM – Exploring the safety of Albertsville's favourite park.

Sophiatown Police speak out on criminal elements in the park.

After yet another body was found in Alberts Farm, residents are querying the space’s safety. Resident Tanya Geyer has come out asking what will be done at the farm to increase the security of nearby residents and members of the public that use the park. She stated that the park has become a hiding spot for criminals that target unexpected people.

Sophiatown Police Station’s spokesperson Captain TJ De Bruyn has stated that they are aware of the crime threats posed by the park. He said, “It is true that crime can be committed in the area of Alberts Farm as it is a huge open space with lots of hiding space for criminals.”

The farm has also become a home for many vagrants. “We are aware that there are, from time to time, vagrants in the area and that is why we do regular patrols at the farm. We also work together with local security companies and have regular joint operations in the area.”

De Bruyn encourages the public to report any criminal incidents that have taken place at the park. “Although we do our utmost to secure the farm from any criminal activity, we still depend on the public to report suspicious activities in and around the park, as some vagrants can slip into the park unnoticed.”

Captain De Bruyn has also advised users of the park not to visit or use the park alone or night due to the security risk.

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