The greenest fingers in Greymont

GREYMONT – Meet the man that keeps the streets of the community nice and clean.

The streets of Greymont have had a dedicated and hardworking man ensuring all is well since February 2017.

Mike Chibelesa was appointed by the Greymont Residents Forum (GRF) to handle outdoor maintenance work of the area’s parks, streets and shared spaces. Every morning at 8am, Chibelesa grabs his gloves, refuse bags and garden equipment and hits the streets, all the way from Long Street through to 15th Street.

Chibelesa said he has a range of duties which he is responsible for. “I remove weeds off pavements, pick up litter, trim trees, cut grass and other things.”

From as early as 8am, Mike Chibelesa is on the streets picking up litter to ensure that Greymont stays clean. Photo: Andile Dlodlo

The bigger jobs come once a year when he is tasked with repainting street names and numbers and cleaning ponds and streams in Greymont parks. Regardless of the work that lays ahead of him, he has a positive mindset that pushes him through the hardest of jobs. “I’ve been blessed with a strong body and therefore I don’t complain. I know that if I put my mind to it, I can get it done and I make sure I always do.”

Working on the streets and parks of the area does come with its risks and, unfortunately for Chibelesa, he has had his experience with crime. “In 2018 a car stopped next to me while I was working and they stole my equipment.”

Immediately after this incident he called a security company and asked them to be on the lookout for the vehicle. This is when he realised that he could actually play a part in keeping the area safe as well. “Whenever I see a suspicious car or people, I contact the police and security companies.”

Once a year Mike Chibelesa is tasked with repainting all the street names. Photo: Andile Dlodlo

Since then, they have established a great relationship which helps with deterring crime in the area.

Chibelesa would like to thank the community he serves for always assisting him. “To Clive Malherbe, thank you for believing in me and my abilities. Without you and this opportunity, I wouldn’t be able to provide for my family.”

He also thanked community members who donated baby clothes, blankets and such after they found out he would become the father to a baby girl soon as well as SCP Security for prioritising his safety while he is on duty.

Chibelesa has asked that residents in the area join the Greymont Residents Forum so more can be done to keep it beautiful and clean. “We can do so much more if we all got together and helped where we can.”

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