Zuka is a friend indeed

MONTGOMERY PARK – Resident overcomes many battles in her life with her best friend by her side and a positive outlook on life.


Zuka is a one-of-a-kind dog, having been there for Rowena Chalk as her assistance dog for the past three years – and their bond is getting stronger every day.

Born in the UK, Rowena Chalk moved to South Africa at the age of 29 and worked as a veterinary nurse for about one year before getting into the corporate world of banking for the next 20 years. At the age of 49, Chalk admits to having a lot of stress and overworking herself which caused her first major stroke. “I went in for a CT brain scan and they found three holes in my brain, the doctor said I was having a stroke. Of course, I could not believe it but I started my treatment and went on medical retirement.”

Chalk said she always kept dogs in her heart and knew she would find a way to work with the incredible animals again, given her veterinary background. “I received my first assistance dog, Kuna in 2008. His original owners adopted him from the Randburg SPCA.”

Rowena Chalk and her assistance dog Zuka are happy as ever next to each other. Photo: Bonakele Sithole.

Chalk worked with Kuna, helping other dogs with house-sitting, exercise and grooming. She said she helped the owners with the things they didn’t necessarily have time for when it comes to their pets. Chalk and Kuna received their assistance dog course with four honours in 2009 and worked together until 2015 when Kuna, unfortunately, passed away.

“It took me a full year to get another assistance dog. I was just so heartbroken and, in the meantime, I was dealing with being diagnosed with fallopian tube cancer and given a short time to live until I got a second opinion.”

Chalk went on chemotherapy for six months and is happy to say that she is in remission now.

She then adopted Zuka, her second Dalmatian pup at six months from the Sandton SPCA. She started caring for and teaching Zuka, who is now a well-trained assistance dog and Chalk goes everywhere with him. “I house-sit with Zuka and it’s a passion of mine taking care of God’s beautiful creations and helping where I can.”

Morgan Mangena who is helping with repairs at the flat after the rooftop came off, Rowena Chalk and Zuka. Photo: Bonakele Sithole.

An assistance dog is trained to aid or support an individual with a disability. Many of the dogs are trained by an assistance dog organisation or by their handler. An assistance dog’s role is task-trained to help lessen the handler with their disability.

Chalk also looks after parrots and cats with Zuka. A calm, gentle, yet, protective soul Zuka and Chalk stay together and Zuka was there to help her when she had her rooftop come down in the middle of the night. Luckily no one was harmed and Chalk was able to get help from her loved ones and repair the damage to her beautiful flat.

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