Fraud reaches new grounds

BRIXTON – Fraud cases continue to increase as victims now pay for recovered vehicles.


BRIXTON – The Brixton police are warning the community members not to pay for any so-called recovered vehicle.

Brixton Police Station spokesperson Jeanette Backhoff said, “Complainant will be called with all details including the case number and vehicle colour. The complainant will then be informed that the vehicle was recovered and taken to a police impound.”

She said that the police officer will ask for the owner of the vehicle if there is any special marking on the vehicle to ensure that the vehicle recovered is given to the right owner.

Backhoff added that after the victim confirmed all the information given telephonically, he or she will then be requested to pay money into an easy pay account through a supermarket for the towing services of the vehicle to the impound.

Backhoff issued tips on how to avoid such fraud:

Related article: 

Avoid becoming a fraud victim in 2019

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