Westdene residents look for answers on infamous property

WESTDENE – Destroy the building or lose our votes says residents.

WESTDENE – An angered resident has had enough of what has unfolded at the infamous 10A property on 2nd Avenue in Westdene.

The property 10A in Westdene is no stranger to attention as it has been viewed as a major security and health threat for many years. As recently as August 2018 there was a fire that resulted in a teenager almost losing his finger. One of the residents who is furious with the state of the property, Llewellyn Josephs, shared why the building is feared by residents.

“Residents are afraid to come out of their own homes. The residents of the hijacked building have taken over the street. You cannot walk or drive past the building as we, as residents believe that it is infested with criminals who go in and out of prison.”

He has tried for years to bring an end to what has become a thorn in the residents’ side.

Josephs claimed, “I believe that drugs are being sold in the street in public, while minors and adults appear to be consuming the drugs on the street.”

This, according to him, along with the disrespect residents’ faces when walking and driving past the property, public drinking day in and out, and people urinating outside of the property angers residents on a daily basis. Joseph also suggested that the property may be a hideout spot for criminals. “We chase the perps and they run into the dingy dark building where they hide, Josephs said, adding that afterwards they never find the ‘perps’ or the stolen goods again, Josephs said.

Josephs, like other residents, has done all he can to see something done about the property. He first believed it would be right to assist the residents of the property and help them get jobs and schools for their children, but he said these efforts were rejected. He then turned to Ward 69 councillor Genevieve Sherman to intervene. Josephs stated that councillor Sherman got the police, metro police, the departments of social development and health to inspect the building.

Unfortunately, they have not returned to the complaining residents with a way forward that pleases all involved parties. Josephs said, “Local authorities said they will see how they can assist us with handling the matter, but still no feedback.”

They have now resorted to forwarding the issue to the City of Johannesburg themselves but have still failed to yield positive results.

Josephs said, “To restore dignity and faith, demolish this cancer infested criminal haven that’s got the community living in fear constantly, please.”

This is how they would like to see the issue being solved. “Anything other than this would result in residents being forced to pull their vote from the Democratic Alliance.”


Related article: 

Police tell their side of the Westdene 10A story

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