Growing Champions enter Eldorado Park Township Marathon for those that cant due to health

ELDORADO PARK – Growing Champions participate in the Township Marathon for a good cause.

ELDORADO PARK – Growing Champions entered the Township Marathon to raise awareness for those that could not run it themselves.

There was not a yawn or frown in sight among the Growing Champions NPO team that travelled to Eldorado Park to participate in the Township Marathon on 24 February 2019. As early as 6am, the soccer players, coaches, sponsors and their friends and family were stretched out and ready to take on the 10km and 4.5km marathon on the day.

According to the founder of Growing Champions, Sam Toweel-Moore, they entered the race as a gesture to show love to those who cannot run the race themselves. She said, “We did this run to raise funds for ill children that are fighting life-threatening diseases. Our children have healthy bodies, they are football players and they work hard at building their health and fitness. So we are using this gift to help a child who is not in a position to get off their hospital bed or the luxury to run.”

One the day Growing Champions coach Delano Ayer created a joyful and excited mood. The older children of Growing Champions paired up with the younger ones and at the sound of the start siren they all took off in their GC apparel and banners. The goal for Growing Champions going into the race was to run as a team and finish as a team and they did exactly that while manoeuvring the streets of Eldos.

The smiles of winners as Growing Champions celebrate completing the Township Marathon hosted in Eldorado Park.

In their seventh year running the race, Toweel-Moore described their commitment to the cause as one of their key pillars. She said, “One of our characteristics of being a champion is to be a person of service.”

Their seven years of service towards others in this race began in a sad state as the team couldn’t afford to run in shoes and asked the organisers if they could run barefoot. Fast-forward to 2019 and they return to the race as shining light of hope, determination and discipline.

Toweel-Moore and her team wanted to applaud those involved in making the race a reality once again. She said, “I would really like to thank Joe Morris and the athletics clubs that put together this incredible race every year against all odds.”

Coach Delano Ayer of Growing Champions takes a second to catch his breath and share a smile at the Township Marathon hosted in Eldorado Park.

Odds such as theft of equipment at the race venue, security concerns along the race routes and decreasing racer turnout, they still manage to raise the necessary funds for those in need of assistance. She also thanked all the runners who gave up their Sunday morning, including the children of Growing Champions. She stated that their efforts are recognised and appreciated.


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