Students warned not to commit perjury

BRIXTON – Police warn crime victims to not commit perjury while reporting theft.

BRIXTON – Police believe negligence of students is the reason they are being targeted by criminals.

Oxford dictionary defines negligence as, “Failure to take proper care over something”. According to Brixton Police Station, the theft cases they have attended to since schools reopened are mostly due to the negligence of students. The station has had a look into the crime statistics relating to the theft from students and the common feature in most cases is the failure of students to take care of their valuables.

Spokesperson of the station Jeanette Backoff said, “On a daily basis, crimes are being reported at the station by students who leave their belongings unattended.”

Backoff also noticed that students tend to be victims of such crimes closer to exam times. “Theft reported by students increase around exam time and that is particularly alarming because students use the case number to write another day or to get an extension on a project.”

The station is pleading with students to be more responsible with their belonging and to open valid cases as the insurance companies do query cases that are opened. “We urge students to open valid cases as one can be charged with perjury should a false case be opened up and insurance companies can refuse to pay out if one is found to have been negligent.”

Backoff stated that the police will now closely monitor reports to ensure no false cases are opened by students. The station has also been engaging with insurance companies to ensure that those committing perjury, face the consequences.

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