Northcliff pastor’s novel published

NORTHCLIFF – Seeing South Africa through the eyes of a young pastor.

Hijackings, cash-in-transits heists, farm murders and many other thrilling tales are not usually what you would expect from a novel that also shares the experiences of a pastor dealing with internal and external conflict.

The book, Darkness Suspended , which was written by NG Kerk Aasvoëlkop pastor Jurie Schoeman was recently published and the author is over the moon with joy. Schoeman said, “It felt really good when I received the first copy of the book. I invested a lot of time and energy into it and seeing it in my hands put a smile on my face.”

Schoeman briefly explained the storyline of the book, it follows the personal battles of a pastor caught between darkness and light in 2004, 10 years after the first democratic elections in South Africa. This young white pastor has just lost his parents, his finance has broken up with him and other things in his life aren’t going well. He then crosses paths with a former freedom fighter who was severely injured during his military expeditions. This freedom fighter, who found God while dealing with his injury, shared his revelations with the pastor and helps him navigate his life and the country that is transforming right in front of them.

Schoeman did mention that the book is not a biography. The story was influenced by a few experiences that affected his imagination and life. He said, “It’s based on what I observed around me during those times [2004]. I saw the hearts of people change as the times changed, good and bad changes.”

Schoeman still plans to host an official book launch but a few of his friends and family have already purchased and finished reading the book. “I’ve had positive feedback from those around me. It’s encouraging and I can’t wait for others to share their opinions on the book.”

The book is currently for sale on Amazon’s website. Alternatively, it can be purchased directly from Schoeman.


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