Linden police search for family of elderly woman

LINDEN – Her name is Popi Komako and she was born 1941. She said she comes from Intabazwe, near Harrismith.

The Linden Police are appealing to the community to assist in finding the family of an elderly homeless woman.

Linden police spokesperson Constable Takalani Matumba said, “We are appealing to the community to assist us to help her locate her family. Her name is Popi Komako and she was born 1941. She said she comes from Intabazwe, near Harrismith.

“She is living on the street in Fontainebleau and it has been a long time. I am afraid that anything could happen to her since she doesn’t have anyone to take care of her. At this present time, it is raining and she doesn’t have anywhere to go.”

Details: Constable Takalani Matumba – 079 880 4955

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