Alpha Academy celebrates 10 years

BERARIO – Preschool celebrates 10 years of the school by hosting a fun Sprinkler Day for the children.

Alpha Academy celebrated its ten-year anniversary on 1 December this year.

The academy was purchased by owners Lynne Bourhill and Tina Smith about ten years ago with the mission of taking care of and teaching young children with ‘advanced beginnings.’ The school takes care of babies as young as two months old to five-year-old toddlers.

Bourhill who was a teacher for many years before and continues to do so at her school now said, “I’d worked for Tina for many years, then worked in the corporate world. One day I met up with Tina and asked if she wanted to buy a school with me and that’s how this venture came about. We are very passionate about the education of little ones because that is when they are discovering everything around them and we would like to help with that.”

Alpha Academy in Berario celebrated 10 years on 1 December 2018.

On 23 November the school celebrated its milestone with the children by having a Sprinkler Day where the children played with water and sponges to have fun and enjoy themselves. The school has been part of the community for many years and was originally Berario Nursery School, built in 1962.

Bourhill said, “Some of the parents of the children who attend our school were themselves children here many years ago; we thought it would be nice to celebrate this occasion.”

For more information on the school, you can go onto the Facebook page, Alpha Academy for Advanced Beginnings. The school has three teachers, four assistants helping with the children and four classrooms: Toddlers class (0–2 years), movers class (turning three), prattlers class (turning four) and the boffins class (turning five).

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