‘Test your alarm systems’ – Linden police

LINDEN – The police urge the community to test their alarm systems to ensure they are functional.

The Linden police are urging the community to test their alarm systems for functionality as we enter the festive season.

Linden Police Station’s Captain Alex Vermaak said, “It is also important for schools and businesses in the area to do the same.

“Make sure that your alarm systems are in working order. Some people, because they never have an emergency to use it, never get their alarm tested. When a crime occurs, an alarm system is no use to you if it is not working.”

According to Vermaak, an alarm system is something that requires your constant attention so that it is ready to work when an emergency arises.

While it is highly recommended that your alarm system is connected to a security company, it still can be used as a deterrent if it is not.

Vermaak reminded the community at the Linden Police Station’s External Role-player’s Forum on 27 November about a Linden CPF Sector 3 project, Security Angels, which seeks to help vulnerable elderly people in the community by installing alarm systems for them if they cannot afford one.

“If you know of any vulnerable elderly people and you have not contacted the project yet, I would advise you to do so. Crime always increases during this the festive season, so it is important that everyone can be safe,” Vermaak said.

Details: www.besafe.joburg; 082 499 1507.

ALSO READ: Linden Sector 3’s initiative to help with security for the elderly

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