Spring Market Day to be hosted by Fairland CPF

FAIRLAND – A chance for the community to get to know each other.

The Fairland Community Policing Forum (CPF) will host a Spring Market Day on 30 September and they are inviting members of the community to come out in their numbers.

The day will allow residents a chance to interact with one another, the police and security companies in a fun and relaxed environment.

Yasmine Miemiec of the CPF said, “The aim of the market, aside from promoting awareness, is to raise funds for the operating costs of the Victim Support Unit, who provide support to community members in the event of any trauma, and for the purchase of bullet-proof vests for the Fairland patrollers who drive around our area at night and at the weekend keeping an eye out for suspicious activity, and who respond to any and all emergencies.

She added that there would be craft and food stalls, a DA recruitment drive, and the forum, police and local security companies would have stalls to drive awareness and to answer questions.

“We are mandated to promote accountability of the local police to the community and of cooperation of the community to the police, and to examine and advise on police priorities for our area.”

To this end, the forum hosts monthly meetings were the police, Metro police and community members come together to discuss important issues.

Every second Tuesday of the month, the meeting is held at Mosaiik Church to discuss crime statistics for the suburb, the Metro police and Victim Support report back, police cluster news and general forum matters.

“We have an excellent relationship with the police and the local security companies. We do believe, however, that not enough residents know about the CPF or what we do. We strongly encourage residents to come to our meetings and to get involved in our activities.

“This will go a long way in creating the safe, law-abiding community we all seek.”

She added that it was important for residents to attend these meetings as the more they got involved in the community, the better informed they would be about what was happening in the community.

Miemiec concluded that community members would also be better equipped at holding the police accountable for effective service delivery.

The Spring Market will be hosted in Market Street Park (Smit Street between 5th and 6th avenues)

For more details contact Yasmine Miemiec at yasminemiemiec2@gmail.com

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