Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo obtains clean audit for the first time

JOBURG – Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo obtains clean audit from the Auditor General for 2016/17

Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo (JCPZ), the greening entity that oversees the management of parks, street trees, conservation, cemeteries and the zoo in the City of Joburg, obtained its first clean audit since its establishment in 2001 for the 2016/17 financial year. For the past 14 years, the entity has been receiving unqualified opinions.

“I am quite pleased and wish to congratulate JCPZ. The clean audit is testimony that JCPZ is committed to clean governance. It is against the priorities that have been set by the current administration that I find this achievement laudable. It shows that there are people within the City entities who are committed to the current priorities of this government,” said MMC for community development, Nonhlanhla Sifumba.

Sifumba recalled the management of harsh weather-related issues, safety and security demands, unemployment, a compelling need for community-based jobs and ad hoc requirements for veterinary medical services at the Joburg Zoo as challenges that act as testimony to JCPZ securing a clean audit.

Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo was found to be in compliance with the Auditor-General’s three measurements on public entities, namely, the state of finances, performance against targets, and compliance with rules and regulations.

Highlights noted in the Auditor General’s report included:

“I wish to thank the board of directors, executives of JCPZ, management and all the men and women in green, khaki, and blue for continuing to serve the residents with pride.  More thanks should be given to the residents, our park champions, our nature reserve champions, and all the businesses, security companies, the residential associations, and the many individuals who generously donated their time, services and goods to the animals and parks,” added Sifumba.


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