Westdene Dam Park gets a cleaning

WESTDENE – The Westdene Dam Park which has given residents a headache has finally seen the begining of maintenance.


The Westdene Dam Park, which was reported by concerned residents to be unkempt with overflowing bins, has seen the beginning of maintenance.

When Northcliff Melville Times revisited the site on 25 January, the park’s lawn was being cut.

Municipal workers cut the Westdene Dam Park grass at long last.

Westdene-Sophiatown Residents’ Association chairperson, Dauw Steyn, indicated that the cleaning started on 24 January, five days after his last site visit to the park.

The cleaning came shortly after the Times sent City Parks questions regarding the maintenance of the park. However, it is unclear whether or not this was the reason for the cleaning.

Piles of cut grass was found on the morning of the visit with municipal workers dressed in their full grass-cutting gear, with lawn cutters in hand.

While the grass was being cut, bins still remained overflowing and at the time of print, it remained unclear when the bins will be emptied.

Residents have since taken to social media to express how happy they are to have their park free of tall grass.

With regard to bins, residents have made suggestions and expressed their interest in keeping the park clean.


Municipal workers’ truck and trailer stands outside the Westdene Dam Park while they cut the grass.

According to social media, residents are in talks with Steyn to arrange a regular community clean-up day – sooner rather than later.

The Northcliff Melville Times contacted City Parks regarding a maintenance plan, when the bins will be cleaned, the current bird flu situation as well as the challenges they face when it comes to maintenance.

Questions were also posed regarding a security guard or park ranger being stationed at the park to ensure community safety.

The Times is still waiting for feedback on the matter and will publish their reply when it is made available.

ALSO READ: What to do at Westdene Dam

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