A fitter…healthier, and better you

JOHANNESBURG – Taking charge of health and fitness will be top of resolution lists this month, as many try to shed the December flab.

Having ushered in a new year after relentlessly indulging in a bucket list of holiday treats during the festive season, getting rid of the December flab is now top of mind as a resolution for many.

However, as normal routines shift back into gear, so too has the idea of adopting a healthy and active lifestyle.

Fanuel Msimango, a personal trainer at Virgin Active, explained the importance of grabbing the opportunity to resume with training regimes. He said digressing from the normal exercise routine is part and parcel of the norm and should not be seen as a train smash.


Fanuel Msimango, a personal trainer at Virgin Active, says once one embarks on a proper diet and training, things can happen faster. Photo: Tshepiso Mametela

“It is not uncommon for people who focus on training throughout the whole year to go away and enjoy themselves by indulging in all sorts of activities during the December period…a changed menu and different diet [among them],” said Msimango. “They then come back in January and start working towards achieving their former fitness levels.”

As a personal trainer for the last 40 years, Msimango emphasised the need for people to have a structured personal training programme, which can be achieved through careful planning. More importantly, he advised that people ought to be organised for results to come more rapidly.

“Once you embark on a proper diet and training plan, you enable things to happen much faster.

“But one still needs to be patient. You need to know what it is exactly that you are here for. For instance, in the case of wanting to lose weight, the training needs to be guided by combining both cardiovascular and weights training.

“And so it is very crucial that we advise people on knowing what it is exactly that they come here for. Fitness is about you…your confidence. You look at yourself when you walk, when you get dressed…you go to public places or wherever else you might go and set people’s tongues wagging.”

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