Abraham Kriel Childcare’s much-needed renovation

LINDEN – Egoli Gas collaborates with its partners to renovate Abraham Kriel Childcare.

Egoli Gas offered a helping hand to Abraham Kriel Childcare, by expanding their network of gas.

The childcare centre is n non-profit organisation that provides care and skills development for traumatised children and youth in need. They work in the greater Johannesburg area.

The centre’s marketing manager Hilda du Toit said the gas was connected free of charge at the non-profit organisation’s Linden home. The gas company invited their partners in the process, who donated their labour and resources.

An appliance company also donated a natural gas oven and hob, and 18-litre and 27-litre water heaters to the home. This will assist with eliminating the need for geysers.

“Egoli gas and their partners noted the need for some maintenance work and promptly did a paint job inside and out. The repainting of some guttering, in particular, was in dire need,” said Du Toit. She said the paint and other resources were donated.

She added that the donors also contributed towards the renovation of the house. Besides the revamp, the house’s trampoline and PCs were also upgraded. An additional PC and laptop were donated.

The boys were also surprised underwear, shoes, weekend bags and backpacks with goodies.

“On behalf of the young boys that will grow up in this house, we wish to thank Egoli Gas and all its partners for the great kindness that was shown through this thoughtful and enormous gift. It will keep on helping boys at the home for many years to come,” she concluded.

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