Child allegedly falls to her death at Sophiatown police flats

SOPHIATOWN – It is alleged that the lift has been out of service for years.

A six-year-old girl allegedly fell to her death at the Herdeshof flats on 24 December after she was playing with her friends and leaned against a faulty lift which opened and sent her falling from the fifth floor.

It is alleged that the child was playing with three other children, all seven years old, in the block of flats when the tragedy happened.

According to the mother of one of the children, the victim’s friends attempted to form a human chain to try stop their friend from falling but unfortunately their small hands could not hold on for long.

The children then ran to look for their friend’s parents.

“My daughter had to run past her best friend’s dead body as she and the other two children looked for adults to help them,” said the mother.

She said that due to this incident her daughter is traumatised and fears leaving the house.

“Everyday since then she has asked about her friend and if she will be coming back again.”

The distraught mother said problems with these block of flats have been on going for years.

“We have lived here since 2013 and the same problems have been an issue. As police we are put in place to ensure the safety of others yet our own safety is not regarded.”

Sophiatown police were not available for comment at the time of publication.

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