Accused robber walks after dockets vanish

MARTINDALE – Even though a robbery accused has three cases against him, he walked due to the dockets vanishing.

A man accused of committing robberies during three different years, was released from custody after the three case dockets disappeared.

On 15 November, the Newlands Magistrates’ Court ruled that the case of the man accused of robberies in 2009, 2012 and 2017, be struck off.

The case’s investigating officer took the stand and explained that he had never received the accused’s three dockets back when he was handling the case.

When the state asked whether or not the dockets could be recreated, the officer explained that it was not possible, as they contained too much information, and to track down people involved would be impossible.

The officer was asked about the complainants and whether or not he could contact them. He replied that the one address he had, no longer existed. He said the address was discovered to be a fuel station under construction.

He further explained that he had no success in contacting the complainant, as their phone kept on going to voicemail.

Before the magistrate ruled the case be struck off, he informed the accused that he best not get into any more trouble.

He said although the case dockets have vanished, they are still open cases.

ALSO READ: Possible witness shot outside court in Martindale 

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