Raising awareness one play at a time

AUCKLAND PARK – The play, Teen Consciousness continues to inspire people through a powerful message.

A courageous young person took it upon herself to address the challenges faced by teenagers from underprivileged backgrounds.

Seven years ago, Loide Ndemueda from Children of Fire survived being attacked with poisoned gas by someone she knows. She has been part of the Children of Fire family in Auckland Park for the past five years.


Loide Ndemueda is passionate about making a difference in the lives of young people.

Along with other volunteers, they established Teenage Consciousness last year aimed at educating teenage mothers and young people about the epidemic. They began identifying how to help young people from the Joe Slovo Informal Settlement, where they regularly assist community members.

She said in such communities young people often grow up in unstable families and situations.

“Through our research, we discovered most teenage mothers no longer go to school because they weren’t aware or didn’t take any family planning.

When we interviewed them we took it upon ourselves to find family planning alternatives, which teenagers can take.

Although it may prevent pregnancy, we educate them about protecting themselves from HIV/Aids and sexually transmitted diseases,” said Ndemueda.

The project also inspired the group to create their own play titled, Teen Consciousness in order to broaden their audience and reach more young people. The play was also broadcasted on SABC last year.

“We based the play on real-life characters and young people from the community are also part of the cast. There are four main characters who show the two different sides to teenage pregnancy.

We wanted to create a play which entertains, raises awareness and inspires people that it’s not the end of the world when they fall pregnant,” said Ndemueda.

She added we also plan to perform at different schools in the area and inspires others, from different provinces, to get involved in the project, which is currently funded by Children of Fire and the Desmond Tutu Youth Fellows.

“We would appreciate people to help us grow this project and donate resources, which we need to educate people.”

Details: Children of Fire 011 726 6529; loidemuedaiz@gmail.com

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