Vox Pop: Should it be illegal to spank your children?

NORTHCLIFF – Society has mixed opinions about a law prohibiting children from being physically disciplined.

After the act of physically disciplining children was deemed illegal, Northcliff Melville Times asked the public what their thoughts on the judgement was. Here is what community members had to say:

SHELBY BOTHA: I think the courts are going overboard with the law. I believe children nowadays are very spoilt and take advantage of their rights.


JOHN JACOBS: I believe discipline is part and parcel of raising a family. It’s the right of the parent to discipline their children. I understand some children are abused but it’s how you discipline that matters.


PONTSHO MASEGO: I believe spanking a child is one of the best forms of disciplining them. I feel the law should be regulated and not go overboard with how it’s applied. Parents should have the right to discipline their children how they see fit.


SAM ORDENDAAL: I’m against the law and believe spanking should be allowed when done in the right way, with lots of love.


GRACE SISENYI: As a mother, I don’t think the court’s decision is a good idea. How I discipline my children should be my choice.



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