You might be on holiday but criminals aren’t

BRIXTON – While the festive season is joyous, crime still happens.

While the festive season is a joyous one, shoppers and holidaymakers tend to forget about crime.

Before the festive season hits, the Brixton Police Station issued their top tips to keep in mind while shopping and going on holiday this festive season.

Safety tips to keep in mind while shopping:


Safety tips to keep in mind before going on holiday:


According to the 2016/2017 crime stats which were recently released, crime regarding properties has gone down in four of the five Northcliff Melville Times areas.

Crime stats per station:

Brixton Police Station


Fairland Police Station


Parkview Police Station


Sophiatown Police Station

In her statement about staying safe this festive season, spokesperson for the Brixton Police Station, Jeanette Backhoff, urged residents to take note of the station’s tips to avoid being targeted over the holiday season.

ALSO READ: Home safety tips for the festive season 

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