A play well done at DSJ

PARKTOWN – Learners from DSJ put on an entertaining play for their family and classmates.


Deutsche Internationale Schule Johannesburg (DSJ) kindergarten children performed Freunde aus aller Welt which means Friends from around the world to a packed audience.

The school’s, public relations manager Savo Ceprinch said the play took place on 9 September at the school. Family members and other children were all present to witness the hard work children and teachers put into it.

Ines Radonic, Takudzwa Mandeya and Ragini Pillay have fun on stage. Photo: Supplied.

Head of the department, Kamogelo Mochadibane said the Regenbogen children who are children aged from one to three years old, came together to celebrate the theme which is friendship.

“The hall was colourfully decorated and all the learners from the Regenbogen to preschoolers entertained their parents with songs, poems and dances. Each of the 16 classes had a chance on stage to showcase their talents. The costumes in their variety dazzled the audience,” said Mochadibane.

Karoline Knapp, Jemma-Eva Ally and Eric Brack during the school play. Photo: Supplied.

She added at the end of the second concert, their little friends got on stage one last time to sing a group song. The song, titled Wir sind nie allein, was about telling their parents that no one is ever alone at school. It was truly an amazing day.

Ceprinch describes the concerts and musical evenings at the schools as being an important part of any school and it also allows children to showcase their talents. “Learning and developing beyond the classroom is a big element of life at the DSJ and cultural events form a big part of this,” said Ceprinch.

ALSO READ: DSJ is off to Berlin

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