Curvy road markings leave community members puzzled

ROOSEVELT PARK – The Johannesburg Roads Agency is in the process of amending incorrect road markings.

The community was left puzzled after visibly skew road markings were made on Anton van Wouw Street and on Pieter Wenning Street.

A photograph clearly depicting the road markings circulated on social media with the public finding humour in the error. Suburban Crime Prevention director, Clive Maher said this was the first time he had seen such a poor job done on the roads in his community.

Surburban Crime Prevention director Clive Maher stands next to the skew road markings.

“I think what caused this is Johannesburg Roads Agency [employees who] came to do the job without the right tools; they normally put a line down and paint on the line using a template. It looks as if they didn’t have either of those.

“I spoke to a number of the residents about the incident, a lot of them are finding it funny although it does ridicule us in a way. This is their job and they [are] supposed to do it properly,” said Maher.

“The municipality is doing a good job in maintaining the community, however, the team which did this particular job made a complete mess and it should be rectified.”

Meanwhile the spokesperson for Johannesburg Road Agency, Bertha Peters-Scheepers said she is aware of the skew road markings and is in the process of addressing the matter.

“We apologise for the incorrect road markings. [The agency] endeavors to maintain a high quality of service to our citizens and this lapse is unacceptable. The markings will be rectified immediately and a disciplinary action is being taken against an errant team for failing to follow instructions,” said Peters-Scheepers.

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