Alberts Farm residents commit to keeping it clean

ALBERTS FARM – The Friends of Alberts Farm hosted another clean up.

Another clean-up at Alberts Farm on 5 August yielded many bags of litter from the bottom grassland of the park.

The park has been the scene of a few clean-ups recently, organised by the Friends of Alberts Farm Conservancy.

As spring approaches, volunteers could spot litter clearly across the grassland.

Julie Gouws, Friends of Alberts Farm Conservancy chairperson, said litter clean-ups do not only clean up the area but also give insight into the ecosystems and biodiversity of the park.

“We were thrilled to find several samples of otter scat (droppings). This is the second year in a row we have found these droppings. Last year we could see they had been eating blue plastic which worried us. This year the droppings look like it’s a diet of crustaceans and small birds they have been feeding on –thankfully no plastic.”

Gouws said residents should start seeing improvements in the removal of litter and alien vegetation in the bottom grassland and wetland sections of the park.

There are big plans in place for the family park. The Friends of Alberts Farm Conservancy and Johannesburg City Parks wish to set an agreement in place based on an environmental management plan for Alberts Farm that aims to turn the park into an urban conservancy. Its unique biodiversity, fresh water spring, wetlands and rocky ridges can be better preserved and protected if it is turned into an urban conservancy.

The next big clean up, called Spruit Day, will be on 16 September.

To do your bit to help with future cleanups by contacting the Friends of Alberts Farm Conservancy Facebook page or call 079 898 2845.


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