Newlands Community patrol gives back

CLAREMONT– Residents from Claremont Cottages enjoy their day with members of the community who care.

A group of dedicated volunteers worked together to improve the lives of elderly residents from Claremont Cottages.

It was a day filled with activity and joy for everyone who participated.

Community children enjoy a meal at Claremont Cottages. Photo: Supplied

Chairman of Newlands Community patrol, Belinda Venter, said they wanted to make a difference in the community, especially in the lives of the elderly and children. Patrol members, Lewe in Christus and other volunteers made the day possible. This is the second outreach they have done with the home this year.

“We decided to do our outreach at this particular home because it’s in the areas we operate in and we normally do them for our church too. There is a great need in this particular community. The home needs necessities such as clothes, maintenance and food for the residents to be comfortable. We also organised a handyman for the home to assist with areas that need fixing,” said Venter.

She added that they also plan to pack and deliver food packages twice a month for residents and hire a gardener who will go in once a month to service the garden, in addition to volunteers. Residents were entertained by Pastor Andries Benson who sang songs.

“All the elderly people were grateful that we came through and were glad that we committed ourselves to helping them in the future, too. Our outreach was also part of doing our 67 minutes for Mandela Day. Mike’s Kitchen will also supply curry and rice when we do more outreaches at the home,” said Venter.

Children from the community line up to receive a delicious meal. Photo: Supplied.

Venter believes that when there is a need, people must do as much as possible to help. The patrol unit and members of the church are passionate about giving back and aim to make the elderly feel loved and cared for.

ALSO READ: Community patrol assists with refuse collection 

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