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Caring is Sharing at Opti-Baby Northcliff

NORTHCLIFF – Nursery school children work together to give back to Matla a Bana for Mandela Day.


Opti-Baby Northcliff nursery school participated in giving back to charity as part of its 67 minutes for Mandela Day. The school supported a non–profit organisation against child abuse, Matla a Bana.

This year the school’s weekly theme was, Caring is Sharing. The activity involved each parent packing a comfort pack for children of a specific age, thereby encouraging them to help others and teach them the significance of the theme.

Opti-Baby nursery school children do their bit for Mandela Day. Photo: Supplied

Matla a Bana is a charity organisation established and managed by the Callie and Monique Strydom Charity Trust. Both women experienced a traumatic ordeal, after surviving being held hostage by Al Qaeda terrorists. The incident took place in the year 2000, over a four-month period.

On the morning of her release, she vowed to dedicate her life to help fellow South Africans in need. The organisation helps more than 20 000 children every year who report abuse against their perpetrators.

The comfort packs are packed and sent to the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences [units] by Matla a Bana. A baby or child will receive a comfort pack when the crime is first reported, to assist the victims with their emergency needs.

Captain Ilonka Naude from Honeydew police receives comfort packs from owner of Opti-Baby Northcliff nursery school, Marita Louw. Photo: Supplied

The school’s comfort packs were delivered to the Honeydew Police Station. Opti-Baby Northcliff owner, Marita Louw said she would like to thank all the parents and children for making a difference in an abused child’s life.

ALSO READ: Sprayathon fun day at Opti-Baby nursery school 

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