A peaceful protest for Roosevelt Park

ROOSEVELT PARK – Sophiatown CPF urges residents to join in on their peaceful protest.

Sophiatown CPF will, among the many, protest come 7 April.

The group is expecting hundreds to gather for the 7am peaceful protest on Corners Beyers Naude and Preller Street in Roosevelt Park.

At the moment,  the protest will just be stationed at this location.

Public relations officer for Sophiatown CPF, Matthew van der Merwe said all who will be participating should bring placards with their own messages, some water and hats.

All are encouraged to dress in the colours of our national flag.

Van de Merwe concluded that they want people to know that theirs is a peaceful protest, and as such have asked people to bring their children with.

“We need to start uniting all our communities to stand up against poverty, unemployment, crime and corruption, astronomical tertiary costs etc and not leave it to only those whom it affects.”

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