UJ students hijacked, not kidnapped

AUCKLAND PARK – Two students who were thought to be kidnapped are safe after police tracked them to Kempton Park.


Recently it was reported on social media that two University of Johannesburg (UJ) students were hijacked and kidnapped in Ditton Avenue by unknown assailants on 18 March at around 10 pm.

According to the post which appeared on Facebook, the pair were sitting in a Volkswagen Polo when they were accosted by men who drove a Corolla. The post also added that the students were held up with a firearm.

Colonel Ivan Perumal from the Brixton Police Station said that although the pair was taken they were released an hour after the incident.

“The two students were taken to Zonkesizwe on the East Rand and reported the matter to police at around 1am on Sunday morning,” Perumal said.

After the matter was reported to the police, the two students went to Kempton Park and because no one knew where they had gone it sparked off the theory about the kidnapping.

“We investigated and found that the girl went with her boyfriend to Kempton Park and because no one knew where he stayed, there was a panic that they were kidnapped,” he said.

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