
‘Be the change’

VICTORY PARK – De La Salle Holy Cross College invites Mark Heywood to share some insightful thoughts on the importance of Human Rights.

De La Salle Holy Cross College children were left inspired after an impactful talk from Mark Heywood.

After the country celebrated Human Rights Day recently, the school welcomed Heywood, executive director of Section27 , a public interest law centre that promotes human rights at the school on 22 March.

School principal, Debbie Harris said that Heywood gave an excellent and inspiring speech to the parents, staff, school children and community members. The speech was followed by an interactive question and answer session.

The title of Heywood’s speech was Human Rights and our Constitution – What do they mean for teaching and learning. Harris added that he made some fascinating and relevant points and had his audience hanging onto his every word.

Heywood made the following points:

  • We must be citizens to build the values of the Constitution
  • We have to own social justice
  • We can’t see other people’s differences as undermining our own beliefs
  • We never stop learning from each other and we learn more from our differences.

“The college was very privileged to have Mr Heywood speaking to us,” said Harris.

She concluded that his message of ‘the challenge is not to look at others, but to look at ourselves’, gave everyone something to think about.

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