Conflicting accounts surrounding pepper spray attack

BLACKHEATH – Confusion as to why a man was searched in the first place.


Christof Germishuizen claims he was unfairly treated and assaulted by a Beagle Watch Armed Response officer.

Germishuizen explained how he was allegedly assaulted and pepper sprayed by a security officer after he visited a store in Blackheath on 10 March.

“When I walked towards my vehicle the security guard asked to search me. I was confused and said no. I also asked why he wanted to search me,” said Germishuizen.

He said he was angered when the security guard started to search him.

“I got angry that he was searching me for no reason, so I knocked his cap off his head and it fell to the ground.”

That’s when Germishuizen saw the security guard take a couple of steps back and allegedly spray him in the face with pepper spray.

“I was in so much pain and crying because the pepper spray was in my eyes. I was swearing at him and shouting at the guard for what he did to me. I demanded to know his name… he then pointed his gun at my head.”

Germishuizen asked the store’s management if they had any reason to want to search him, but he was apparently told to leave the premises.

An hour later he returned with his camera phone in hand.


Again he was pepper sprayed after asking what the security guard’s name was.

He then left the shop and opened a case of common assault at Linden Police Station.

Spokesperson Captain Walter Spencer said that they can confirm that the case was opened.

Beagle Watch stated, “We have conducted an investigation into this incident and we are totally satisfied that the reaction officer acted within the scope of the law.”

They added that if a person is on a client’s or homeowner’s property – and he or she feels unsafe – a search is warranted and may be performed. There was also a right of admission sign outside of the store.

The store manager [name withheld], who was present during the incident said, “He was a very aggressive type of guy. He has been to our store before and is extremely unapproachable.”

He added that they did not in any way ask that the man be searched.

“The security guard acted purely on instinct, the man also slapped the security guard on the side of his head which knocked his cap off.”

The store manager and a sales clerk asked the man to leave peacefully, but could not calm him down.

“It seems like he was asking for trouble, no one should act like that or use language like he did. We just wanted to calm the situation down.”

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