Mashaba – Tenders soon open to public scrutiny

JOBURG - The City of Johannebsurg's tender processes could soon be transparent and open to public scrutiny – if the policy is accepted by the majority in council.

The City of Johannebsurg’s tender processes could soon be transparent and open to public scrutiny – if the policy is accepted by the majority in council.

Mayor Herman Mashaba said he has instructed City Manager, Trevor Fowler to begin the process of amending the City’s Supply Chain Management Policy to allow for the crucial tender-assessment stages to be open to the public.

According to Mashaba, the amendment would allow for the bid adjudication committee, executive adjudication committee, intermediate adjudication committee and central adjudication committee to be open to the public. During these committees, tenders are assessed and adjudicated on their merits and awarded to the best applicant.

Professor Mcebisi Ndletyana, associate professor at the Institute for Pan African Thought and Conversation at the University of Johannebsurg, said for an amendment to be passed, at least half the City’s councillors should participate where 50 per cent plus one of those councillors should vote in favour of it.

The amended Supply Chain Management Policy will appear before the council sitting on 27 October for a vote. “A vote against this amendment will be a vote in favour of corruption,” Mashaba said, adding, “Opening the process will encourage the growth and development of small businesses that did not stand a chance if they were not politically connected.

“The days of important decisions relating to the use of public money being made behind closed doors, where corruption is able to raise its ugly head, is coming to an end.”

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