Golf gang behind bars after chase and fatal car accident

MONTGOMERY PARK – Infamous 'Blue Golf Gang' finally gets caught, but not before they take an innocent life.

A cyclist who was knocked over during a high-speed chase succumbed to his injuries on 31 May.

The man was hospitalised after a police chase that took place in Montgomery Park on 29 May, in which a notorious gang was finally arrested. During the chase, a cyclist was unfortunately knocked over by the gang in a blue Volkwagen Golf.

SCP Security owner Clive Maher said that the chase started in Arizona Crescent, Northcliff, after the gang, known as the ‘Blue Golf Gang’, broke into a house at 2pm. “This gang has terrorised the neighbourhoods of Montgomery Park, Roosevelt Park, Greymont, Northcliff and Albertsville, and they usually got away with jewellery and TVs,” said Maher. SCP Security gave chase and unfortunately lost sight of the car in Montgomery Park. The two suspects then broke into another house. The robbery was picked up by the Parkview and Sophiatown Police who then chased after the suspects at high speed while exchanging gunfire.

While being chased by the police, the suspects knocked over a cyclist on West Park Road and then lost control of the vehicle which resulted in them crashing into a street sign. “The driver of the Golf was too injured to run away but his accomplice attempted to,” said Maher. He said that the other suspect jumped over a wall into a resident’s house where he was attacked by dogs that bit through his wrists.

Both the suspects were arrested and are still in custody. “The credit goes to the police, we salute you,” said Meyer.

Spokesperson of Parkview Police, Sergeant Iris Phoko said that two officers managed to arrest the suspects and they appeared in court on 31 May. “When they went to court, the case was postponed to 7 June after it was discovered that they were linked to several other cases such as house break-ins, possession of stolen goods, attempted murder and fraud,” said Sgt Phoko. She said that the two men were charged with house break-ins and theft, then when the cyclist died, they were later charged with murder.

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