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Hotel Hope gets new wheels

MELVILLE – Hotel Hope Ministries receives a new van from Rotary Club of Johannesburg New Dawn.

Hotel Hope Ministries received a sponsored vehicle from the Rotary Club Johannesburg New Dawn. The handover, which place at the Parkview Golf Club, was held on 18 May.

In attendance at the breakfast handover were the club’s Rotarian, and managing director of Hotel Hope Ministries, Oliver Quambusch.

Treasurer of the Rotary Club of Johannesburg, Mike Vink said that the club is always on the look out for great charities it can assist. He expressed that the club knew of Hotel Hope Ministries through its charity shop. “This charity has accomplished a lot through its span, they also have charity shops that they use to generate more revenue for Hotel Hope,” said Vink.

President of Rotary Club Johannesburg New Dawn, Jankees Sligcher said that this was a way of showing their appreciation for what they do for the community. “It is absolutely wonderful how the ministry has affected the community,” said Sligcher.

Vink explained that the rotary club received a donation of €4 000 from Rotary Club Deflt, based in Netherlands. “With a portion of the money we assisted the ministry in purchasing the new vehicle,” said Vink.

Hotel Hope Ministries is a registered non-profit organisation that helps orphaned and abandoned children. Quambusch was very appreciative of all that the rotary club was able to assist with. He noted how this was a major contribution from the rotary club. He said the vehicle, which is a Hyundai H-100 will go along way in helping the charity.

“I am particularly excited that the rotary club was able to sponsor us with the vehicle because it will help the charity generate more for the ministry, also I appreciate that they understand our way of financing the charity through social entrepreneurship, it is a great way for charities to sustain themselves,” said Quambusch.

He added that the ministries relationship with the rotary club has been a long-standing one. “I am incredibly excited, this really opens up the opportunity for us to pick up donations easily and more effectively in a professional manner,” said Quambusch.

Details:Hotel Hope Ministries, 011 484 3027; Rotary Club Johannesburg New Dawn, 082 492 1398

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